Redacted City

DesignTO Festival - January 10-31, 2023


You are invited to Redacted City, my new exhibit for the 2023 DesignTO Festival, running Jan 10-31, 2023.

See below for the opening reception details. Click the image below (or here) to register via Eventbrite for the opening reception!

Collage by SJ Kim

What happens when words disappear? In a city of constant redevelopment words are continuously disappearing - being covered up or removed completely.

Words encountered in public places can serve many purposes. They may deliver information (such as the name of a business), provide guidance or directions, but at times words found in public may also stir us to consider our values or life choices (e.g. public health messaging).

For this photo project, Redacted City, I am highlighting scenes around Toronto where words have been covered up or removed, at times leaving only traces of themselves behind.

I first began documenting such scenes over ten years ago. I soon realized that there is something intriguing here worth pursuing more intentionally.

Some ten years and many photos later I am ready to share my work and to consider what it means to live in a city where words fade away. Perhaps there is something deeper that sustains us through this continual state of change?

I invite you to join me at Redacted City! Here are the details:

Dates: January 10th - 31st, 2023

Location: Artscape Youngplace (180 Shaw St, Toronto).

Opening Reception: Thursday Jan 19, 2023 6:00-9:00 PM Click here to register via Eventbrite.

Please note, if you are visiting Artscape Youngplace outside of the opening reception, the official building hours are 9 AM - 5 PM.

(Sunday hours will return to 12 Noon - 5 PM once the Festival is over.)

I would love to see you there! Please help spread the word and use #redactedcity when doing so.

I am at @culturesnap on Instagram, @culture_snap on Twitter and @CultureSnapPhotography on Facebook if you wish to tag me in any posts.

Click here if you have any questions or wish to contact me about the exhibit.

Thanks to Artscape and Artscape Youngplace for their support.