Street Scenes of Havana

May 09, 2019

Continuing my series of thematic blog posts of images in Havana, here is my latest: Street Scenes of Havana.

Plymouth Walk

This is a collection of images captured over two days in Havana in mid-March while visiting there with family. On our first day we were guided by talented Cuban artist Alfredo Sarabia, which made it a wonderful experience.

(Follow these links to see my images of the Malpaso Ballet Company and of the Cuban School of Boxing.

Please, read poetry.

Fridge, on delivery.

Public Phones

Along the Malecon

King of the Castle

A street in the Vedado neighbourhood of Havana.

On Break

A line-up for goods at the Royal Palm Mercado. Our guide told us that Havana "is a city of lines".

View through a souvenir shop window.

Bringing home the groceries.

A Hard Day's Night

Streets of Jazz

Many cafes and restaurants in central Havana had live music playing, which of course added to the ambience and mood of this beautiful city.

Checking in with friends.

Nobility and Joy

My daughter spent some time talking (as she was able, with her limited Spanish) to these two girls. I love the contrast between the dog's expression and the girls' laughter and joy.

San Juan de Dios Park

It is clear where wifi access is, as you'll find many using their cell phones nearby.

Thanks to our guide we were able to visit the home of a family in Central Havana. I captured the above scene as we left their building.

Lafayette Restaurante

The BBC recently shared an article about restoring Havana's neon, and featured this sign in the article's lead image. The article featured the work of Cuban artist Kadir Lopez. Thanks to our guide, Alfredo Sarabia (who knew so many people in Havana), we were able to get an advance preview of Kadir Lopez's new neon exhibit which was being prepared while we were there. I'll try to update this blog post with some photos from that visit when I have time.

I Heart Cuba


Late Day Shadows

Towards the Light

Convento de San Francisco


Jose Marti

Busts of Jose Marti, a national hero in Cuba, can be found in many spots throughout Cuba. Alfredo Sarabia, Cuban artist and our guide for one of our days in Havana, has done a very engaging photo series on these which may be seen here.

Fresh Produce

Vendors of fresh produce may be found throughout Havana. My photographer friend Natalia Shields has done many wonderful images of these during her travels to Havana, which may be found if you scroll through her great Instagram feed. Have a look!

  Hasta la Victoria Siempre

Tourists walk back towards the port after a day in Havana. "Hasta la Victoria Siempre", a popular quote by Che Guevera found on a t-shirt in the above image, when translated means "Ever Onward to Victory".

See more of my Havana images at these links:

- Sephardic Synagogue and Malpaso Ballet School

- Cuban School of Boxing

I will next share images of Cuban cars and Bikes of Havana! Please stay tuned and thanks for looking!


Culture Snap Photography features the work of Toronto-based photographer Henry VanderSpek. Henry specializes in documenting the work of local and international non-profit organizations, special events, live music, street and art photography. To hire Henry for an assignment, please click here to get in touch.
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